It’s the “Little” Things

NaBloPoMo14DayNineteenSome days, okay, most days, I forget to be grateful for the little things. Because, you know, I want the big things to go right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, like the rest of you I, too, know that old saw “take care of the little things and the big things will take care of themselves”, blah, blah, blah. Not always true.

We can do everything right and, still, something can go “KERBLOOWIE!”. It happens.

I’m not suggesting that you head out today with the intention of screwing up things large and small, I’m just saying that not everything is in our control. I would argue that most things aren’t, but we operate under the assumption that they are. Because we want them to be. Sometimes we need them to be. Mostly, though, they are not. When things do go as planned, we should be grateful, that’s all I’m saying.

And so I am grateful this morning. Why? Because I made not just one, but two, perfect cups of coffee. They were just right. Most mornings I’m happy with acceptable. Perfection often eludes me in all things. Once in a while, though, the stars align and “BANG!” I get to start off on the right foot.

I am aware, of course, that days that begin this way more often than not can and usually do have a tendency to tank somewhere down the line. Still, the perfect cup of coffee is a nice, and dare I say?, hopeful beginning.

I’m off to “The Annoying Bar and Grill” in a few minutes to work my second open-to-close in a row. Twelve hours there can suck the joy out of just about anything. Literally. I will try, though, to remind myself, no matter how horribly wrong this brutal shift may go, that I at least started out on the right foot today.

That’s something. And something is always better than nothing — especially in my line of work.

What “little” thing might you be grateful for today?