Rock Star

NaBlaPoMo14DaySixteenI know that I am not “all that and a bag of chips”. Some people take to me right away. For others I am an acquired taste. There are even a handful of folks who will never cotton to me. It took me many years to acknowledge these revelations and, yes, even a few more to accept them.

Since embracing these realizations I am a much happier person. I no longer beat my head against a brick wall in vain attempts to get people to like me. I simply just move along.

I feel the same way about my writing. It’s not for everyone. Frankly, it’s not for anyone. I do it for me. It’s nice when someone connects with something I’ve written and they tell me so. Yeah. That’s a good feeling. I won’t lie about that.

When someone reports that something I wrote made them laugh in the thick of a particularly heinous day, that I “made” their day? Unless it starts raining French vanilla ice cream and snowing Snickers bars, I cannot think of much else that makes me happier than hearing that! Unless you’re a zillionaire giving away money or a stripper giving away something else, how many people get to make someone’s day?

While writing this post I began to think about that last question. My conclusion? Not many. And then I thought how I hadn’t considered Rock Stars. It’s highly likely that Rock Stars (or anyone else who gets to experience “applause” on a regular basis) get to experience this feeling more than even this lowly blogger (or any blogger, for that matter) ever will.

I’ve decided that this is how I’m going to think of myself from now on. As a rock star. Maybe I’ll start wearing a bandana, like Bonjovi, Little Steven, and Axl Rose do when they “work the crowd”. Whaddya think about that? Wanna join me? We could get a band together! (I call the red bandana, though. I think that’s only fair. After all, I founded the band.)

24 thoughts on “Rock Star

  1. Yes. And YES again. You are a Rock Star. Breath it. Eat it. Make love to the idea, but don’t forget to put that bandana thru the wash every once and a while. HA!


  2. Well if we are choosing our Bandana I want PINK or Sparkles. Now wait I want PINK sparkles. And you must listen to this song (It’s called blog star…it’s a parody of the song Rockstar).


  3. I think you have a real honest way of laying out a story that connects with the reader. If that’s a rock star, you’re it.


  4. You’re got Rock Star Status in my book!


  5. Hey, Rock Star–I’m always clapping at the end of your posts. You’ve made me laugh and think and commiserate and just plain smile. And, just think, that’s without any Snickers or French Vanilla ice cream falling from the sky! Now if you could manage that, I’d add worship to my list.


    • javaj240 says:

      Some people would wish for x-ray vision or the power to time travel as their “superpower”. Me? I’d want to be the gal who could conjure treats at the snap of a finger — LOL! 🙂


  6. says:

    I don’t know you but I can tell from your words you are well-deserving of your Rock Star status!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. You don’t need a bandana or anything else. You stand out all by yourself, and your style and humor suit me just fine. I think you’re the gold standard, my friend. There is no one else like you. In case you’re wondering, that’s a compliment! Hugs..


  8. Kimba says:

    #wearthebandana – I definitely think this could be a thing!


  9. You ARE a rock star. Maybe you ought to start dressing like one. Hmm. Wonder what THAT would be like!


  10. You make me laugh on a regular basis and you would totally make my day if you could actually make it rain French vanilla ice cream and snow Snickers bars. The idea that you would even imagine that makes me like you even more. You are totally a rock star.


  11. elinwaldal says:

    Well I sure like you–applause from over here in CA. My only hope is that someday we may actually meet. 😉


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