NaBloPoMo14DayTwentyBecause November is a long month when one has committed to creating a post a day, I was excited when it was suggested in my “NaBloPoMo support group” (yes, there’s a support group for everything nowadays!) that we play a game today called FIVE TRUTHS, ONE LIE, the premise of which is to list six “facts” about ourselves — one of which is a lie.

It sounded fun. It sounded easy enough; I’ve been known now and again to play fast and loose with the truth. (Who hasn’t?) It was, in fact, more difficult than I had expected it to be. (Isn’t that always the way?). But, yeah, it was fun.

If you want to join in the game, leave your “facts” in the comments section or direct me to your blog. While it wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be, there weren’t any difficult equations involved or anything like that. And, yeah, it was kind of fun. Play along, why don’t you? (My fib will be revealed tomorrow!)


1. I have never had a massage.
2. I purchase my underwear (and socks!) in the supermarket.
3. I have read “War and Peace”.
4. I am almost never late.
5. My dream job? Music historian.
6. I do not have a tattoo.

What’s your guess? Which one is the lie?

31 thoughts on “FIVE TRUTHS, ONE LIE: A GAME

  1. Carolann says:

    I would say number 6 is the lie. Can’t wait to read the updated post!


  2. I’m terrible at guessing! It’s between 4 and 6 and final answer is 6! Don’t ask me why!


  3. […] bet you never would have guessed Jacqueline, over at Ambling & Rambling sports a tattoo and buys her underwear and socks with her milk and eggs. Or does […]


  4. Another tough one. Okay, I’ll say it’s #1, the massage.


  5. angelaweight says:

    I’m going with #3 because I can’t imagine anyone making it through War and Peace.


  6. All I can say is that if it’s #1 you need to get on that.


  7. I say #6. I’m betting you DO have a tatt cuz you’re cool like that. 😀


    • javaj240 says:

      LOL! My daughter would whole-heartedly disagree with you there 🙂 But, that’s okay, our children are not meant to think us “cool”. They are supposed to fear our iron-fisted rule! (As if.)


  8. elinwaldal says:

    This is not easy! In fact I have re-read them several times and am still feeling stumped. I like Mary’s approach. But that one would fail me. OK…I am going with my first thought. The lie is #1. or is it #6. ? You see? Alrighty then… I’ll stay with #1.


  9. CaptCruncher says:

    I can’t believe you thought yours was easy! I am torn between 3! Writing down one right now though and can’t wait to hear the rest of the stories!


  10. Using the scientific method, I’m going with #4. Eenie,Meenie,Mineie, Mo has yet to fail me.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. says:

    These are all so funny…do I have to just pick one? Okay, here goes…#2?


  12. At first I though it was W&P but then I second guessed myself and thought massage. Hard!


  13. I’m going with #1 but I can’t remember you sharing your tattoo with us?! Hmmm …


  14. Rick says:

    I will say 4.


  15. I’ll have to go with #1. #1, #1,#1!


Tell Me What You Think!